해외주식/중국시장 뉴스

태풍 8호 비센티의 영향으로 홍콩증시 오전장 휴장

프라텔라 2012. 7. 24. 10:16

태풍 8호 비센티가 홍콩을 통과하면서 홍콩증시가 오전장이 휴장됩니다. 홍콩시간 12시까지 태풍이 통과하지 않고 있으면 오늘 하루 휴장이 될 수도 있습니다. 13년만에 가장 강한 태풍이라고 합니다.

홍콩거래소의 원본 공시입니다.

Securities and Derivatives Markets Delay Open due to Issuance of Typhoon Signal No. 8


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) announced that the morning trading sessions of both the securities and derivatives markets have been delayed due to the issuance of Typhoon Signal No. 8.

If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above remains issued at 9:00 am, the morning trading sessions for all markets will be cancelled.

If Typhoon Signal No. 8 signal or above is cancelled at or before 12:00 noon, major products of HKEx’s securities and derivatives markets will resume trading in the afternoon.  Trading will begin on the first half hour at least two hours after the discontinuation of the Typhoon Signal No. 8.

If Typhoon Signal No. 8 signal or above remains issued at 12:00 noon, all trading sessions today will be cancelled.

HKEx will make a further announcement in due course.

For the details of arrangements for trading, and clearing and settlement during typhoons and black rainstorms, please refer to the rule books and summary table, which can be accessed via the Market Operations section of the HKEx website at http://www.hkex.com.hk (http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/market/typhoons/TradingArrangement.htm).

For the latest typhoon news, please refer to the website of the Hong Kong Observatory (http://www.hko.gov.hk).



-> 2시(한국시간)부터 오후장 거래는 정상적으로 된다고 합니다.

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